
ee-info - browse Info documentation


This extension has two sub-modes:

info-dir displays the index of all Info documents from 'dir' file buffer
info for every Info document displays the index of its Info nodes

Default views for info-dir

By Category

This view categorizes Info documents by section name they have in the 'dir' file.

r-filter filters documents whose node name in the 'dir' is not "Top"
c-path-finder category is Info document section name in the 'dir'
c-sorter categories are sorted alphabetically
r-printer prints Info document names and file names
r-select invokes the ee-info extension for browsing selected Info document
- Development (3)
  Gdb                              gdb
  Gdb-Internals                    gdbint
  Make                             make
- Emacs (5)
  CL                               emacs-21/cl
  Dired-X                          emacs-21/dired-x
  Elisp                            elisp
  Emacs                            emacs-21/emacs
  Info                             emacs-21/info
- GNU Libraries (1)
  Libc                             libc
+ General Commands (12)
+ Miscellaneous (2)
- The Algorithmic Language Scheme (3)
  Guile                            guile
  guile-tutorial                   guile-tut
  Slib                             slib
- Window Manager (1)
  sawfish                          sawfish
--:%%  *ee-info*/dir    (ee-info)--L1--C0--Top-------------------

Default views for info

Node Tree

This view displays the tree of nodes from Info document. Additional categories collected from section names from the 'Top' node are displayed at the top of tree. Any part of node tree can be collapsed and expanded. Visited nodes are marked by different color - magenta (which is the default color for visited links in most WWW browers). A bookmarks can be assigned to any node. Bookmarks are displayed in the ee-info by another color.

c-path-finder categories collected from section names from the 'Top' node
r-parent-child-key-fields builds node tree from relational table using fields 'nodename' and 'menulist' to relate different nodes
r-calculator counts amount of subnodes in the "cumulative" mode, i.e. all descendant nodes are counted
r-printer prints node name and amount of subnodes if any
r-select displays content of Info node in the new window
- Advanced Features (284)
  - Major Modes (1)
    . Choosing Modes
  - Indentation (3)
    . Indentation Commands
    . Tab Stops
    . Just Spaces
  - Text (12)
    . Words
    . Sentences
    . Paragraphs
    . Pages
    - Filling (5)
      . Auto Fill
      . Refill
      . Fill Commands
      . Fill Prefix
      . Adaptive Fill
    . Case
    . Text Mode
--:%%  *ee-info*/emacs    (ee-info)--L115--C0--15%-----------------

This view displays the amount of subnodes in the "cumulative" mode, i.e. all descendant nodes are counted. However, the "non-cumulative" mode is also possible, where only node's immediate children nodes are counted:

- Advanced Features (29)
  + Major Modes (1)
  + Indentation (3)
  - Text (7)
    . Words
    . Sentences
    . Paragraphs
    . Pages
    - Filling (5)
      . Auto Fill
      . Refill
      . Fill Commands
      . Fill Prefix
      . Adaptive Fill
    . Case
    . Text Mode
--:%%  *ee-info*/emacs    (ee-info)--L115--C0--15%-----------------


This view alphabetically sorts all node names collected from Info document. Visited, marked and bookmarked nodes are shown in different colors.

r-sorter sorts node name alphabetically
r-printer prints node name
r-select shows the content of Info node in the new window
Action Arguments
Adaptive Fill
Adding to Diary
--:%%  *ee-info*/emacs    (ee-info)--L1--C0--Top-----------------


  • Add more views
  • Update persistent data files when content of files named `dir' changes
  • Add index node names to view tree
  • Maintain history (of select actions) in ee-info buffer, like Info-history, implement in ee.el, because useful for others (e.g. for menu), cycle history by e.g. ","(prev), "."(next), "/"(top)
  • Create separate *info* buffer for every visited info file. Own buffer for every info file is very good thing. Low-priority, because info file index already in own buffer
  • Make index of references in info files