
ee-edb - summary mode for EDB


This extension provides integration with edb package. It extracts records from edb internals and organizes them under different categories. This extension can replace edb summary mode.

Default views

By Category

This view categorizes edb records by specified category.

c-path-finder extracts category from internal link record
r-printer uses edb format function to print records
r-select switches to the edb buffer and jumpes to the selected record
- comp.sources.unix (4)
  getty-enable - Getty on/off programs for 4.[23] BSD
     [1 parts]
  syslog - Development version of syslog(3), for ATT, too
     [1 parts]
  less3 - The 'less' pager
     [3 parts]
  test.el - Test system for GNU Emacs
     [3 parts]
--:%%  *ee-edb*    (ee-edb)--L1--C0--Top--------------------------

Or, categorising by date and counting the parts:

c-path-finder extracts category and date from internal link record
r-counter uses the parts field
- comp.sources.unix (8)
 - 10/09/1987 (3)
  test.el - Test system for GNU Emacs
     [3 parts]
 - 02/09/1987 (3)
  less3 - The 'less' pager
     [3 parts]
 - 28/08/1987 (1)
  syslog - Development version of syslog(3), for ATT, too
     [1 parts]
 - 890505 (1)
  getty-enable - Getty on/off programs for 4.[23] BSD
     [1 parts]
--:%%  *ee-edb*    (ee-edb)--L1--C0--Top--------------------------


  • Needs more work to provide better integration with edb.