
ee-example - accompanying example for demonstration of ee capabilities


This extension demonstrates the capabilities of ee package. It defines a simple data structure and displays it under different categories.

   [["ri-101" "c-1" nil "c-4" () ((price . 3.15) (amount . 9))]
    ["ri-102" "c-1/s-1" "c-2/s-2" "c-4" () ((price . 3) (amount . 5))]
    ["ri-103" "c-1" "c-3" "c-4" ((children "ri-104" "ri-105")) ((price . 5) (amount . 7))]
    ["ri-104" nil nil nil ((parent . "ri-103")) ()]
    ["ri-105" nil nil nil ((parent . "ri-104")) ()]]

Default views

By Category

This view categorizes sample records by three different fields. It also shows how ee can be used as a calculator in a way similar to a spreadsheets. Numeric fields of records in every category are calculated and their sums are shown on the category lines.

- c-1 (5, 78.35)
   ri-101           3.15 * 9 = 28.35
 - s-1 (1, 15.00)
  - c-2 (1, 15.00)
   - s-2 (1, 15.00)
   ri-102           3.00 * 5 = 15.00
 - c-3 (3, 35.00)
 - ri-103           5.00 * 7 = 35.00
  - ri-104          0.00 * 0 = 0.00
     ri-105         0.00 * 0 = 0.00
- c-4 (5, 78.35)
   ri-101           3.15 * 9 = 28.35
   ri-102           3.00 * 5 = 15.00
 - ri-103           5.00 * 7 = 35.00
  - ri-104          0.00 * 0 = 0.00
     ri-105         0.00 * 0 = 0.00
--:%%  *ee-example*    (ee-example)--L1--C0--All----------------

By Name

This view sorts sample records by name field.

--:%%  *ee-example*    (ee-example)--L1--C0--All----------------


  • Add more examples of more capabilities