
ee-commands - categorized menu of Emacs commands


This extension displays a list of available Emacs commands categorized under different groups along with their documentation strings. After typing <RET> on the selected command it invokes this command (with possible argument keys) on the parent buffer (i.e. on the buffer where ee-commands was called).

Note that ee-commands is NOT replacement for executing the commands by M-x. But it is intended to be a replacement for browsing the command completion lists (invoked by <TAB>), because ee-commands is more usable for inspecting what commands are available under certain categories.

Default views

By Prefix

This view categorizes Emacs commands by first part of command name.

c-path-finder category is the first part of command name separated by hypen
r-sorter unsorted, i.e. sorted as they are comes from Emacs internals
r-printer prints the command name and the first line of documentation string. Marks previously invoked commands by different colors.
r-select calls the selected command interactively on the parent buffer
+ 2C (4)
+ Buffer (21)
+ Helper (2)
- Info (42)
   Info-directory                Go to the Info directory node.
   Info-edit                     Edit the contents of this Info node.
   Info-follow-nearest-node      Follow a node reference near point.
   Info-help                     Enter the Info tutorial.
   Info-mode-menu                Menu for info files.
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By Suffix

This view categorizes Emacs commands by last part of command name.

c-path-finder category is the last part of command name separated by hypen
c-sorter sorts categories by the amount of commands under category
r-printer prints the command name and the first line of documentation string. Marks previously invoked commands by different colors.
r-select calls the selected command interactively on the parent buffer
- mode (255)
   awk-mode                      Major mode for editing AWK code.
   c++-mode                      Major mode for editing C++ code.
   c-mode                        Major mode for editing K&R and ANSI C code.
   change-log-mode               Major mode for editing change logs.
- region (118)
   base64-decode-region          Base64-decode the region between BEG and END.
   base64-encode-region          Base64-encode the region between BEG and END.
   capitalize-region             Convert the region to capitalized form.
   comment-region                Comment or uncomment each line in the region.
   write-region                  Write current region into specified file.
- buffer (109)
   append-to-buffer              Append to specified buffer the region.
   beginning-of-buffer           Move point to the beginning of the buffer.
- file (72)
   append-to-file                Append the contents of the region to the file.
   find-alternate-file           Find file FILENAME, select its buffer.
   find-file                     Edit file FILENAME.
   format-find-file              Find the file FILENAME using data format FORMAT.
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  • Add more views
  • Make submenu of recently called commands
  • Get command category name from Info documentation
  • Make the separate view for functions, variables, options