
ell.ee - Emacs Lisp List

Data Description

This data file holds the list of Emacs Lisp packages converted from Emacs Lisp List to the ee data file ell.ee.

Useful Views

Views are described in the same view file view/links.ee, which is used to organize links (bookmarks).

By Category

This view displays the list of ell packages, grouped by their categories (however, ell don't yet have assigned categories or keywords, howerver, it already have dates, which can be used). After typing `RET' the selected link is opened in the Web browser. View has the following properties:

c-path-finder groups by category (not yet, so places all files under "(Uncategorized)" category)
r-printer prints link title and description
r-select opens selected links in the Web browser
- (Uncategorized) (674)
  abacus.el Abacus Calculator
  acldoc.el a browser for the ACL 5.0 documentation hierarchy
  ada-mode.el major-mode for editing Ada source.
  after-save-commands.el Run a shell command after saving a file
  agchat.el comint-based emacs interface for chatting on AgChat
  align-regexp.el [Align region according to regular expressions.]
  align.el Align a region according to a regexp
  align.el align text seperated by whitespaces in columns
  all.el Edit all lines matching a given regexp.
  alossage.el view-lossage with automatic refresh
  analog.el monitor lists of files or command output
  anaya.el Emacs interface to the Anaya Online Spanish Dictionaries
  andersl-java-font-lock.el Font lock support for Java.
  ansi-colors.el translate ANSI into text-properties
  antlr-mode.el Major mode for ANTLR grammar files
  apache-mode.el major mode for editing Apache configuration files
  apm.el Using APM (Advanced Power Management) From Within (X)Emacs
  archie.el query archie servers and parse the results
  arrange.el Rearrange and filter lists
  artist.el draw ascii graphics with your mouse
  ascii-display.el Highlight special ASCII characters in another buffer
  ascii.el ASCII code display
  auctex [package that supports writing and formatting TeX files]
  auto-arg-mode.el Minor mode that makes numberss prefixes by default.
  auto-diff.el Automatically generate diff's for directory contents.
  auto-insert-tkld.el automatic insertion of text into new files.
  auto-recomp.el Automatically recompile Emacs Lisp files
  autorevert.el Revert buffers when file on disk change.
--:%%  *ee-datafile*/ell.ee (ee-datafile)--L1--C0--Top------------------

By Domain Name

This view displays a list of links (bookmarks), categorized by domain name hierarchy, i.e. parts of domain name in the reverse order.

c-path-finder splits and reverses the domain name
r-printer prints link title and description
r-select opens selected links in the Web browser
+ at (2)
+ au (4)
+ be (1)
+ br (9)
+ ca (6)
+ ch (3)
+ com (262)
+ cx (1)
+ de (51)
+ dk (9)
- edu (80)
 + arizona (1)
 + berkeley (3)
 + caltech (1)
 - cmu (1)
  - cs (1)
  http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~berez/irc/erc.el an Emacs IRC client
 + cornell (1)
 + indiana (3)
 + isi (2)
 + jhu (2)
 + mit (9)
 + ncsu (1)
 + ogi (1)
 + ohio-state (10)
 + rpi (1)
 + stanford (1)
 + tmc (7)
 + truman (3)
 + udel (2)
 + uiuc (5)
 + umb (1)
 + umd (12)
 + utah (5)
 + washington (2)
 + wisc (2)
 + yale (4)
+ fi (4)
+ fr (20)
+ hk (1)
+ hr (2)
+ il (1)
+ it (2)
+ jp (8)
+ net (51)
+ nl (5)
+ no (5)
+ nu (1)
+ org (91)
+ se (19)
+ tw (1)
- uk (32)
 + ac (27)
 + co (5)
+ us (1)
--:%%  *ee-datafile*/ell.ee (ee-datafile)--L1--C0--All------------------

By Contact Name

This view displays a list of links (bookmarks), categorized by first letter of contact (author) name and the name itself.

c-path-finder groups by first letter of author name and name itself
r-printer prints link title and description
r-select opens selected links in the Web browser
- A (12)
 - Jari Aalto (3)
  ftp://cs.uta.fi/pub/ssjaaa/c-comment-edit2.el c-comment-edit2.el
  ftp://cs.uta.fi/pub/ssjaaa/fnexpand.el fnexpand.el
  http://tiny-tools.sourceforge.net/ tiny-tools
 + Per Abrahamsen (3)
 + Tomas Abrahamsson (1)
 + Drew Adams (1)
 + Vladimir Alexiev  (1)
 + Tim Anderson (1)
 + Marco Antoniotti (1)
 + David Aspinall  (1)
+ B (57)
+ C (29)
+ D (28)
+ E (9)
+ F (62)
+ G (46)
+ H (29)
+ I (6)
+ J (20)
+ K (28)
+ L (56)
+ M (45)
+ N (19)
+ O (11)
+ P (35)
+ Q (9)
+ R (20)
+ S (63)
+ T (11)
+ U (4)
+ V (4)
+ W (52)
+ Y (11)
+ Z (6)
--:%%  *ee-datafile*/ell.ee (ee-datafile)--L1--C0--All------------------


  • Add more views (by Date, etc.)